Monday, January 4, 2010

January Photograph #3 - Camelia

Isn't this beautiful? Now imagine a whole bush full. I think they are a little piece of heaven sent to help us get through the long month of January and the short month of February.


  1. Very pretty. My dad used to have camelia bushes in front of his house. Two pinks and a white one. Thanks for the memory.

  2. Ohhhh, Elizabeth, thank you for this bit of heaven! We've had high winds, and the ground is frozen solid and covered with a frosy layer of snow. The temperatures here have been 10 degrees colder than normal, and we're all trying to stay cozy and warm. To see your beautiful capture this morning put a smile on my face. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Gosh Elizabeth, your timing is perfect. Not the norm here in 'The Ozarks" waking up -3 and wind factor -13 and colder plus more snow on its way tomorrow. Thanks for visit to blog ;).

  4. So beautiful! I am in Missouri where the high today was 15 and will be 0 or below in the morning. Wish I was there where you are!!

  5. I have two of these bushes in our yard, but the flowers are a little different,fuller with more petals, I hope this blast of freezing temps
    do not kill all of the buds...the bushes are loaded right now,they are saying this is the coldest it has been here(north Fl.)in 10 years.

  6. oh, beautiful!

    and now, back to the snow. which is also beautiful, but also tiresome at times.

    cold feet, in the literal sense . . .

  7. This reminds me of summer. I’m so excited already for spring and then summer at last! Yahoo!

  8. Aw! It’s beautiful. Thanks for posting this. It’s far the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today in the internet.

  9. We are so cold..this is a wonderful, there are flowers....we have a long winter here in Idaho.
    Love, Mary


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