Thursday, January 14, 2010

Speaking of Bottles

I thought I would share a few more bottles with you. The majority of the bottles we dig up look like the bottles below once they have been cleaned up. Many have turned colors or have this iridescence in them. I think it is from the salts in the water reacting to whatever was in the bottle.

The bottle vary in size from small 1 to 4 inches, to medium 5 to 10 inches, to large anything larger than 10 inches. Most of the larger bottles were Clorox, liquor, or wine bottles. Some of them can be pretty interesting.

These are bottles I have found in my latest excursion to the river. They are all about three to four inches tall. Several of them have cool bubbles in them or are colored with soil and salt. I have lots of this type of bottle.

My girlfriend called me this week to share these bottles with me. She know I have a thing for glass and bottles. These bottles are from Pottery Barn's latest catalog. They are from eastern Europe and are quite large. They range in price from $129.00 to $179.00. No two alike . Wow.

I love these Pottery Barn bottles, also. I think the ones with the forks and spoons in them are so cool. Now I am on the look out for some of these. I do not want to pay the prices they are asking for their bottles. If you run across any bottles like these let me know. I am interested.


  1. I love the shapes and the transparency rather than opaque. Pretty!!!

  2. love your bottles! I've got the bottle bug too!

  3. I love the smaller bottles with the bluish cast. I don't believe I have ever seen any that look that way - very cool!

    Thanks for sharing these!!

  4. These are all so beautiful. I especially love your 'bubble bottles'. My particular addiction is cut glass and crystal bowls. I just can't stop collecting them! Sometimes you just have to indulge in your passion! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS I hope you find a tres chic/tres cheaper source for your beloved Pottery Barn bottles!

  5. I would have a fit if I found bottles like that to dig up!!! Wonderful photo Elizabeth. May I use the bottle images sometime? They are just lovely. Love, Jamie

  6. Your bottles- treasure hunting. I loved this post.
    I'll have to check out if you have other "bottle" postings with more information.
    Great post.


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