Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Three Muses Challenge - Something in the Air

The challenge this week from the The Three Muses is Something in the Air. I had a hard time deciding what I felt like doing till I was awakened this morning by a rant by one of the talk radio people. It was about the loss of nest eggs, how there is much bitterness and distrust in the air, a time of unrest....etc... etc... On top of all of that the last chick here is starting to really stretch his wings. He is ready to take the plunge away from the nest. The skills to survive are being honed, that will be the fifth to leave. I am hoping the angels are keeping them all safe on their life journeys.

So, how are your nest eggs? your chicks? are the angels watching over you and yours?


  1. I ADORE your piece & your post is lovely! I am always hoping that the angels are watching over "my chicks" & that they all feel safe enough to truly spread their wings and 'soar'!

  2. Wow this is really peaceful.
    Fabulous work. Love them.

  3. This is incredible, Elizabeth! I love everything about it.

  4. LOVE, love love this!!! I'm currently re-working a piece that is kind of similar to this! GREAT work!!

  5. Elizabeth, I don't even know what to say--you must know how special this is!!!

  6. This is really awesome, and ísn´t it strange, wonderful and surprising, from where we get our inspirations?

  7. Beautifully said, beautifully done.

  8. This piece has a wonderful message, Elizabeth. Even though most of my chicks have flown, (The last one flew out three times and keeps comng back to the nest!) they're always in my heart and thoughts along with their chicklets. It's a great comfort to know that angels surround them with love, light and protection. You've captured that comforting thought beautifully! Bravo! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  9. My nest egg took a hit this year, but I'm blessed with two great chicks who fly in faith and make me very proud! This is a lovely piece, Elizabeth, and your words make it even more special!

  10. Very nice piece! I like what you said about it.

  11. Elizabeth, you have given us EVERYTHING in your most beautiful picture - a stunning background, a gorgeous image, a message to make us think and a banner to make us laugh. I love it a lot! It is so unusual and out of the frame. Fantastic.

  12. It is funny where we draw our inspiration from huh? Thank you for sharing your story and images with us. Makes you really think.. I would like to think that we all are watched over.

  13. Love the piece. Love the background too. Three chicks flew away then one came back again and delivered another chick. Mommy and chick are fine living in my nest.
    Sigh..... Come spring she needs to find her own nest. :)Bea

  14. Oh, your piece is really really beautiful, and the idea and story behind it are so touching. I wish all the best for you and your "chicks" - I'm sure there will be angels guarding them on their way.

  15. Great piece, Elizabeth, and I love the concept behind it!

  16. WOW!!! This is gorgeous, what an imagination.

  17. love how you got the inspiration for this wonderful creation, what a combination. My 3 chicks have flown as well and are all on the other side of the pond .
    I can only hope they are well equiped for life and have their guardian angels with them .


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.