Thursday, February 4, 2010

February Photograph - Birds of a Feather....

When I got to the trail this morning to walk I heard this absolute vibrating symphony of sound. It was this whole flock of birds roosting in six or seven trees. They were wonderful. I was able to shoot several photographs before they flew off to greener pastures.


  1. That's great. I had a similar experience last year; two trees hosting who knows how many starlings. It was breathtaking. I have to remember to start taking the camera when I walk the dog - of course at that hour, I'm lucky I remember the dog!

  2. What a wonderful sight! Elizabeth, I love what you've done with your digital enhancements. The photo really captures a "feeling"! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS I hope the storm misses you completely.

  3. Love your photo...don't you just love those special moments in time and you get a chance to take a pic?

  4. I love this photo, Elizabeth! You asked about my cupboard door--where it will go. Actually, I have an art fair coming up next month, and all of these things I've been making are for my show. I can't wait to get out and see old friends that I only see a couple of times a year, (the fair is out of town, so it's a nice little get away)

  5. Beautiful photo. Great enhancements. Perhaps they were singing for spring.

  6. Lovely photo, Elizabeth! May I ask what digital adjustments you added, and how you achieved the edge look? I'd love to try it myself.

  7. everything about this photo is terrific
    i love the smokey backdrop of sky and how the fade of the forested edge is
    this is a good one for framing!

    and my verification word...liked

  8. How Beautiful! The lighting is so luminescent - looks quite dreamy. The birds in the treetops are wonderful!

  9. My goodness Elizabeth this looks like a watercolor painting ~ gorgeous.

    Love your bird collages as well.

  10. Fantastic photo! Love the colors.

  11. Oh my goodness, you have incredible Photoshop skills - this photo is gorgeous! It looks like the most beautiful lifelike painting. I might "borrow" your colour scheme... : )

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and your thoughtful comment!


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