Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lucky Me!!! I Won in the OWOH Giveaway

Last week I received two goodies from the One World One Heart Giveaway that I had won. Honestly I was startled when I actually held them how beautiful they were. The craftsmanship and the obvious time that went into them was amazing.

First I won this beautiful heart lavender sachet from Sharon at Wildflower House. The detail and stitches on this are amazing. Her work is so lovely. Please run over to her blog and see some of the other amazing things she has done and is working on.. The other nice thing is Sharon is as beautiful as her work. She is just one of those people that emits kindness and grace. The lovely heart sachet has a special place in my sewing room on my sewing table. Thank you so much Sharon I am treasuring it.

The second thing I won was this Karma Bracelet from Cat at Gypsy Nurse - Writing Out Loud. I was really drawn to it when I saw the photo of it during the giveaway. I could not believe I won it till it was actually here and I put it on. It is one of those things that slips right on and sort of becomes a part of you. It warms up with your body heat and the the messages and hearts make you feel so good. Please stop by Cat's blog and see what she is up to. I love how she writes like she talks and there is a no holds on it. We could all learn a little bit about life, love and great jewelry from Cat. Thank you Cat for this wonderful piece.


  1. If you can't see it... I am blushing bright red! Thanks for the very nice compliments. You do know that your blog is a gift to all of us everyday that you post. Have a wonderful day! Sharon

  2. Hi sweetie!
    Thansk for joining in our HUGE vintage Yaya give-a-way! And congrats on winning these beautiful treasures! xo...deb

  3. Elizabeth~ Thank you doll.. and I am glad you loved it.. seems I lost some followers (like that matters in my world) due to my brassiness... Perhaps they should check out the wannabe's, the shallow and pathetic fool who has suddenly joined French cupboard... yes.. my brassiness is getting bigger by the moment... if I were not at work on 16 hours I would blast away on my blog...
    love and hugs..
    you are a good woman!

  4. Lovely prizes you won Elizabeth, really beautiful! Congrats!

  5. both are beautiful.....I especially am drawn to the bracelet...I love the silver and the turquoise....


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