Monday, March 15, 2010

Digital Photograph - Cherry Blossoms

This weekend was full of blue skies and these big puffy clouds that look like cotton candy. Glorious. As I turned the corner there they were these cherry trees in the library parking lot full of blossoms. I pulled over and grabbed my camera. I was not the only one excited, they were covered in honey bees. I thought I would share these blossoms to start the week out with something beautiful and pink.


  1. I love the blossoms on the trees and they disappear so fast! thank you for capturing this beauty!!!

  2. I can't wait till ours blossoms!!!

  3. These are beautiful, Elizabeth--Thank You!!

  4. Thank you, THANK YOU, Elizabeth for this breath of spring! Stunning capture! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous and would make a beautiful enlarged photograph hung on the wall. I love it. So, romantic, so soft but colorful. Sooooooooooo girlie. :)Bea

  6. Its nice to see there are flowers blooming somewhere--spring surely will arrive here soon--I hope!!!

  7. Oh Elizabeth, these are just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This is so gorgeous!! I love cherry blossoms, they are one of the things that makes me really think of spring! Wonderful work of art!!

  9. Beautiful! I'll have to take my new camera out for a test run and seek early bloomers. It's still cold here in Oregon but the buds are on the cusp of breaking open.

  10. Now this gets me in the "spring" spirit!

  11. What an uplifting and gorgeous image! We are on day 3 of torrential downpours for 24 hrs and my ark is no where to be seen. :(

    Lucky you spring has sprung in your neighborhood!

  12. Gorgeous blossoms! I am thinking spring!

  13. What a GORGEOUS photo! No blooms, let alone sprouts, here yet in my part of Missouri!

  14. Oh, so pretty! They don't blossom here for another 2 months :(

  15. Thank you for this cherry blossom!Spring is in the air. We had deep blue skies today and the grass is going green. It has been a long winter.
    Hugs, mary

  16. Wow. Thanks for reminding us of what is to come (still at least 6 weeks away here in Michigan). Someone else suggested enlarging this up for wall art. I agree, especially in the square format.

  17. This is so lovely. Glorious is right. Hope you have a beautiful week!

  18. I love hyacinths - for their fragrance and their quick growth!
    Beautiful flower photos Elizabeth!

  19. I love hyacinths - for their fragrance and their quick growth!
    Beautiful flower photos Elizabeth!


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