Monday, March 22, 2010

Digital Photograph - Spring is in the Air

Happy Monday! Yes, Spring is in the air here. It is windy and cold, a little cloudy, but the trees are starting the lime green tint to the branches, the leaves are getting ready to burst forth. The azalea bushes are starting to bud and everywhere the signs are there. Oh happy days...


  1. what a gorgeous spring piece!

  2. Yayyyy! But she looks sooooo sad!!! LOL! Nice to hear that spring is arriving. We've been experiencing a gray, rainy day. But when the sun comes out again, it'll be glorious!!!! Great digital piece, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Love this one! I think everyone is happy that spring is here. DH was mutterung over the lawn mower the other day. I don't think he wants to buy fertilizer just yet.LOL It will be good for him.

  4. I am glad to see you on "We love digital art" site.
    I love your image and like you a year later I am still learning PS. I'm pretty sure I won't live to be old enough to learn it all.
    Anyway, I love your site.

  5. Very creative and very much like Spring- full of hope, but the clouds can still come rolling in.

    Thank you for dropping by my Journaling blog and leaving such a nice comment. I appreciate you took the time.


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