Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flower Freebies

This is so magnificent. My grandmother planted Marigolds by the doors to keep the flies away.

The glorious sunflower. So tall and proud. Feeding all the birds. When we had our farm we would plant 5 acres of sunflowers. It was truly a sight to see.

I am going to make some flower girls out of these. I love the color and the size of these.

I had to include one of the south's favorite flowers, the Magnolia Blossom. It is so large and creamy looking.

To me these are very Zetti looking flowers. I love the purples, raspberry shades with the orangy yellows.

This week I am doing some flowers for you. These are old flower prints I have picked up along the way at flea markets and antique stores. Earlier this morning I was telling someone how I woke up to rain and paying bills. Ugh! The rain brings flowers and new leaves on the trees. That was somewhat cheering. So anyway I decided to give you a hint of what is yet to come...Spring. Hope these cheer up your day!


  1. These are absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing~ Love the Marigolds!
    Hope you day is wonderful~

  2. Oh my lordy - you make me drool. These are so lovely! Yep, showers bring spring flowers so keep thinking positively! Have a great Thursday!

  3. Thank you. I seem to remember, far, far in the past, making some Zetti Garden Girls. I wonder if it was just loose pages or for somebody's journal? Well, these are perfect if I get the urge again. :)Bea

  4. Thank you Elizabeth!! I especially love the "zetti" flowers!!

  5. Thank you for the hint of Spring! These botanicals are gorgeous! You're right, Elizabeth, the last are very "Zettish". I love the smell of marigolds, and I love to sprinkle their colorful, edible petals on my salads too. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. So ready to feel the warmth on my back, thank you for sharing a little piece of spring.


  7. Elizabeth thank you from the bottom of my heart. These are beautiful beyond belief. I love them. I woke to snow just above us today.Last Saturday it was 62. The mtn passes were even closed for awhile to clear accidents. Most strange weather we are having. I think I shall have to create with your flowers today. Thanks, Sharon

  8. THANK YOU a g a i n!! They are so cheery and bright - I'm sure I've seen the bottom 'zetti' ones before...similar to Paper Whimsy I think. You are so generous!

  9. I have always loved botanical illustrations, and these are fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thank for for the floral freebies. So nice have have options to play with.

  11. Beautiful flowers! Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. The colors in these graphics are just wonderful. They certainly have brightened up my very gray rainy day! Thank you for the sunshine.

  13. Thank you!! This is such a treat!! I love using florals in collage!! XOXO

  14. Thank you for these freebies, I love them. I'm doing an ATC flower swap over on Milliande ning site, would you mind if I put these down as a link there?

  15. Thank you so much for putting these flowers up here. I saw the invite over at Milliande ning sitex

  16. I love to use antique botanicals in my arts and crafts - these are so fabulous, thank you!


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