Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Latest Journal Pages

The past week or so have been filled with odds and ends. I have spent what free time I have had in the studio working on a few pages for a Round Robin Journal that is to be auctioned off for a worthy cause - an abused woman's shelter. The theme for this large moleskin journal is "friendship". The first two pages shown here are in this journal.

On this page I used some border images from Crowabout and the two crows are from Artchix Studio.This is one of my favorite quotes. It always reminds me of my friend Pat an I hanging out and singing at the top of our lungs to the car radio, her helping me remember who I am through difficult times.

On this journal page I decided to go a little more serious. I played with the background to get an aged, cracked feel to it. These two sisters are so endearing. I want to swoop them up and take them to get some new clothes and shoes and then a long bubble bath, followed up with a good hot meal.

The next few pages are in my own moleskin. This year I am using the large moleskin. I must say I am loving it. Just a bit more space. Yet still feels good to the hand. Here on this page and through out this journal I have been using circles in my art. They are a visual theme throughout.

This was a journal prompt from the Yahoo group Blissfully Art Journaling. We were to think about being alone in a room. For me that is alone in my studio. Working on all the possibilities. [Plus I got to use my new orange tapes on my journal page.]

Sadly, last month a dear friend lost her mother suddenly. I am not sure where this all came from, I just know I felt so bad for her family when I heard. My continued thoughts are going out to her and hers. This past month seems to be a sad one for a lot of people. Spring can not get here soon enough.


  1. Elizabeth, I just love your pages - especially the 'vision' one but they are all fantastic. I, too, cannot wait for Spring to begin in earnest after the dark months. Love what you are doing here.

  2. These are wonderful. Hope the round robin journal raises lots of funds...worthy cause.

  3. WOW!!! Your journal pages are awesome, beautiful work.

  4. I make books, cards and scrapbookpages, but I never made a journal page. Now that I see your really beautiful work, I believe it's time to try it myself. Thanks for the inspiration. Your creativity makes me happy.
    Love from Belgium

  5. I enjoyed seeing your journal pages. Each one is a masterpiece.

  6. How beautiful, Elizabeth. I love the way you do borders. Whoever gets the journal will be a lucky soul, for sure.

  7. Elizabeth -- Your blog is often "Spring" to me! Thank you for sharing what you do!

  8. I love your new pages, the ones about friendship, the one about alone time (quite valuable isn't it); all of them!

  9. Wow! So many pages to comment on. I love the quote about friends on the first page and the Silence page--love that tape--the other pages are wonderful also!!

  10. Elizabeth, your spreads are so beautiful - each has something so special to offer - and they're for such a wonderful cause. Love that new tape! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  11. Thank you for your generosity, Elizabeth. Your work is such an inspiration. I could not choose any one page. I love them all!

  12. I came to your blog by way of Bea...your work is so peaceful and serene and yet there is power in your marks. Imagine Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. Wow, these spreads are amazing! Love them all, but I think the last one has to be my favorite!

  14. Your pages show the thought you have put into them. I love them all and the different emotions they bring. The first is one of my favorite sayings. The 2 girls... my thoughts exactly a bubble bath...silence, right on and the last one deep. I am so sorry for your friends loss. Mother's are our best friends and nothing can replace them. Spring will come soon.

  15. Your journal pages are just so inspirational and your heart-felt feelings really come across

  16. These are beautiful, touching pages. May our art offer strength to one another and the world at large....truly a trying time. Peace.

  17. Those are all terrific pages. Really nice. I love the quote for the friendship journal.

  18. I am nuts about friends forever. I love the background, the color, the girls are so cute, and I would want to clean them up and dress them in fun clothes...but back to this fact, I love this page....
    Hugs, Mary

  19. Absolutely LOVE your pages! Especially the last two. The last one is incredible.

  20. your journal pages just rock......


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