Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Reminder

Yesterday I had a little reminder of Spring. I have been driving last chick around while his car is in the shop. While he is in school on his short days I just hang out downtown and take pictures and amuse myself. I stopped to park in this parking lot to get some shots. Lo and behold here was this hyacinth growing out of a pothole in the parking lot. A car had parked right next to it.

It reminded me that even in the worst of times and places, beauty can be found. That there are times we go through difficult times and in the end, something wonderful can happen. Spring is sort of like that. All the rebirth and regrowth bursting forth. Telling us just to hang in there. Warm, sunny days are coming.


  1. Thats so gorgeous and so freaky too. Today I drove my children to school and spotted the first sign of Autumn here in my Aussie neighbourhood. A giant maple (I think? LOL) in the bank of the creek beside their school was turning golden. I walked over an took some photos thinking this tree was entirely green last week this week it looks magical. Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOW!!! This is so pretty.

  3. What a wonderful reminder. And a beautiful photograph, That should be framed.

  4. Hmmm . . . . reminds me of the proverb, "Behold the lilies of the field!" I hope you're having a more relaxing week, Elizabeth. It's as though the angels were sending you a "hug"! Hugs from me too! Terri xoxo

  5. Spring IS full of hope and promise and what a wonderful and beautiful thing for you to discover AND share with us.
    Brightest of Springtime Blessings to you and yours dear Elizabeth!

  6. Beautiful pic!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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