Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day - Journal Page

This journal page started as a big mistake. I had split some very dark blue ink on part of the journal page. I decided to just go with it and grabbed a baby wipe and spread the ink all around. Then stamped the clocks with white chalk ink and let every thing dry while I cut out the flowers. They are some freebies from a few weeks back. The quote is one of my favorite springtime quotes.

I hope everyone is enjoying this Earth Day. I awoke to clean pollen free air and the sounds of the birds singing. I realized how very lucky I am to get up and just walk to the shower, flush a toilet, open my frig and make something to eat...All things I take for granted. The simple act of turning on the faucet and getting clean water for many is unheard of.

We all can make a difference on this planet. The world of blogging alone should open everyone's eyes to the power we actually have. So I am challenging each and everyone of you to think of one thing that you can do to make this world a better place to live. What can you do or give up that will help this place we call earth? I personally have been thinking about this quite a bit and have decided to have at least one car free day a week, to again cut down the amount of plastic that comes into my home, to turn my thermostat at least 5 degrees higher or lower than I regularly would, to plant a tree for each of my children, and to reuse, recycle, and rethink everything that comes into my house and out. What ways are you helping the earth?


  1. I think this is 1 of your prettiest art pieces, so rich in color and the simplicity of the flowers lined up !!!!!

  2. What a wonderful thought. I love the page and the inspiration. I like your ideas on doing your part. Especially planting the trees but I'm going to do my grandchildren...4 trees and a great great grandnephew makes 5.
    Thank you.

  3. What an amazing piece you have done!

  4. Every day should be Earth Day! We recycle those ugly plastic grocery bags when we get them, and use our totes for shopping MOST of the time. We recycle our magazines, newspapers and metals. Rather than throw something away, we joined "Freecycle" to list things that we're not using any more so that other people can benefit. Loved this post. Makes me think that more can be done to help Mother Earth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Happy EArth Day to you. Love your spread and your flowers look great!! I recognized them.

  6. I love all your art woman! And now that I'm a bonafide recycling queen I can proudly say Happy Earth Day! :)

  7. Well, it may have started out as an accident but it ended up a beauty. Lovely page. Happy Earth Day!

  8. I love your page, Elizabeth. For some time I have been attempting to "buy local" in order to cut down on transporting goods all over the globe. It's difficult to find items not made in other countries, but it's worth the effort.

  9. I LOVE your page! The blue and yellow goes perfectly, and the clocks in the background - awesome page! I love happy accidents!


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