Monday, April 5, 2010

More Journal Pages - Week Two - Collage

The little boy is from one of my freebies. He just looked like he needed a ride!

She is so beautiful! I bet she had red hair to go along with those blue eyes. Love the hand warmers.

These girls look like they could really let loose in the right situation. I can see that little one on the left causing some real mischief.

I used mica over the photo image here. I decided to sew it on with my machine. I have no idea what I will do with this page.

This is quite the family, all decked out in their Sunday best. I love the little girl's hat.

This is the second round of pages. I am finding I can do around five before I need to get up and do something else. It has been fun just pulling random images and working on these pages. Not my usual journal thing[I usually just work on a page or two at a time], but it is definitely something I will do again.


  1. Your pages are so rich....they are amazing!

  2. Well, I love the pages of course but I love your backgrounds, too. :)Bea

  3. Elizabeth, your journal pages are fabulous, so bright and beautiful.

  4. Your backgrounds are so pretty--love the colors and textures and then the collage on top!!

  5. Excellent pages! The backgrounds are wonderful! I don't usually work in multiples either, but now you have me considering it... ; )

  6. Outstanding journal pages! Love the background color and texture.

  7. I've enjoyed the process you're showing us/going through. Nice work.

  8. Impeccable! I love your backgrounds and how crisp all of the images are - my fav is the one of the parrot!

  9. I just caught up on your blog posts, and have to say your journal pages are wonderful, so far!! I love the look of texture and the depth you've gotten with the paint colors, and the images you choose are great! I can't wait to see what you do next with them!


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