Saturday, April 3, 2010

Road Trip

This week has been crazy.I have been up and down the interstate for a few days. The amount of traffic the last few days make me think maybe the economy is getting better, people are out traveling, or did we have such a hard winter in so many places that they just have to get away? The traffic to the beach Thursday and Friday was none stop, bumper to bumper. When I got home last night I swung by the grocery store for essentials and it was jammed. Tourist season is officially started.

After taking care of business this week I took the opportunity to visit friends, take some pictures and do a little antiquing on the side.
I must say that at night I was too exhausted to do anything on the computer, not even answer my emails. I thought I would set aside some time today and get caught up. I have missed reading my group digest on yahoo and reading every one's blog. I have lots of cool pictures to share, an most of all I hope everyone has had a great week and has a happy Easter or Passover.


  1. Sounds like you had fun!!! Have a nice Easter.

  2. I think everyone's taking advantage of a long, gorgeous weekend, Elizabeth. I'm so happy to hear that you were out and about - antiquing and taking pics. Perfect way to spend a little free time. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! Happy Spring Holiday greetings to you and your family. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter Elizabeth!

    Take Care - Robin


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