Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring and Summer Mean Stings!

This morning I awoke to the sound of the painters! Yes it is that time of year where the house needs some major sprucing up. As one of the painters was up on my roof he noticed an empty wasp nest and asked me if I wanted it. Of course! He then replied he was so glad it was empty. Then began the bee and wasp sting stories.

After I had gone in the house it occurred to me that it was vinegar time. Yes vinegar. You see vinegar is the best sting reliever I know of. It is good for all insect stings and at the beach it is wonderful for jelly fish stings. I keep a small bottle in my car and another in my cupboard - just in case. If you do not have vinegar and some one gets stung - throw a pickle on it. Yes,a pickle works great also.

One of my boys was stung pretty badly by a yellow jacket. He called and said "Mom what should I do? I do not have any vinegar." I said to throw a pickle on it. He called back later and said, "Mom it worked. My roommates thought I was nuts till they saw the swelling and pain go away." So there you have it - an old Southern remedy!


  1. I'd never heard of the remedy before! So simple and effective. Thanks for the tip! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. I don't know about the pickle but absolutely, vinegar works. Ask me how I know??? LOL

  3. What a great visual "throwing a pickle on" is!!

  4. That is a great piece of information to know. I have never heard of that one. Thanks!

  5. I love these home remedies. We always used a baking soda poultice to draw the stinger out. I had a lot of those on my feet in the summer.

  6. Thanks for sharing this remedy! I had no idea....

  7. Awesome image. It's unlike anything I've ever seen- thank you so much for sharing it!
    Also unique is the remedy for stings- I'll have to remember this one for Girl Scout camp this summer.

  8. Thank you for sharing this, I will remember it. Our farm has many families building nests as I write.
    Hugs, Mry

  9. just found your blog while out hopping this am and it is great, I will be back to visit! thanks for the remedy!

  10. Thanks for the info. I am surely going to need it this summer.


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