Friday, May 21, 2010

Around the House....

This week has been crazy, crazy, crazy. I have been either in my yard, painting, or cleaning. The only time I have seen my studio is to vacuum the floor in there. Not fun. Everything is starting to look beautiful though. I thought I would share some of the sights around my house with you. Hope everyone has had a great week. I will post the freebies at lunch.

Lady Banks roses I put in a few years ago. I love the way they climb on my fence. They match the color of my house. At night their smell wafts across the yard.

This is Plumeria. It has dark burgundy leaves that are rather shiny on one side and coarse on another. In the Spring they are green on one side with the burgundy undertones. Then as the weather warms up they do to. They turn deep burgundy with these delicate, spidery flowers all over them. I have a hedge along one side of my house of these, and several accent bushes in the back pool area of these. I love the way they are constantly changing. Plus they bloom several times a year.

Freshly painted wicker on my front porch. We have been painting and sprucing the place up. Nothing speaks more of the Southern lifestyle than a large front porch and some wicker chairs.

This little guy and a couple of his friends have taken up residency on both my front porch and back porch. They sleep all day and croak all night. Very peaceful. I love the vivid green

These lizards are a constant source of amusement. The males have this wattle at their throats that they puff out and it turns pink when they spot you. Then they sort of do this thing that resembles push ups before they scurry off. Here I think they are having a moment together.
Ahh, lizard love.

These are some of my Clematis. I have them growing on my fence. I thought I had lost them this year when we did a major trim during the winter. Low an behold they came back in full force this year.


  1. The plumerica is so interesting and love the color. Great photos! I'd love to watch those funny lizards!

  2. Lovely flowers in your garden, lovely green "animals" too! You have a very cosy porch, great chairs!!!

  3. fabulous pictures!!!!
    Love your wicker!!!

  4. The plumeria photo is spectacular and I love the wicker on your porch! So inviting! And I don't think I have ever seen one of those little frogs all tucked in like that You usually see them with their legs bent!

  5. Pictures were beautiful, lizard love made me laugh and manage to spit my ice tea on the screen, thank you very much. lololsnort
    I love white wicker. I have mine on the back deck,well the patio deck UNDER the upper back deck. Makes for a very shady lovely spot to watch what is going on in the back yard. Thanks for sharing those gorgeous photos. :)Bea

  6. You have been busy....everything looks just wonderful and I too busted out laughing at the "lizard love" remark! Glad your clematis came back....I have been scared to trim mine back, but not anymore!!

  7. What a beautiful garden, Elizabeth! Our very first home was yellow, and I've always loved that color for a house. And how welcoming everything is with your lovely garden and the freshly painted wicker on your porch. Gotta say though, the 'lovin' lizards cracked me up! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS One year, when my son was a toddler, he rode his tricycle smack into the middle of one of my huge clematis vines and smashed it to bits. Believe it or not, it came back bigger and more beautiful than ever! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xoxoxo

  8. Oh I love, love, love your huge front porch!!! I have a tiny one with one lonely wicker chair, I guess out here in Colorado they go more for decks, but I love a big front porch!!! Marva

  9. Goooorgeeeeous Photos!! I want to sit on that front porch!!

    Happy weekend!

  10. Beautiful and so peaceful looking. Well, other than the lizards making whoopee all over the place LOL! Great pics!!

  11. Your home and gardens look just blissful! And your wildlife is exotic. How very beautiful. Penny

  12. Great to see photos of the house and flowers. Love the lizards!



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