Sunday, May 2, 2010

Freebies - Mother's

I have been lost in the midst of spring cleaning, organizing, throwing out, and donating this past week. It is exhausting but necessary. Everything else in my life has been on the back burner. Any way...This week I am giving you two sets of Freebies. I figure we should celebrate Mother's Day someway. I am very fortunate in that I have a wonderful Mother. We have always had a great relationship. The older I get the more I realize just how lucky I have been. What a gift I was given.

So, these are my gift to you. Cherish your children, thank your mother and grandmother, remember those who have passed on, and those who are mothers, give yourself a little pat on the back.

I had to start these freebies with a Mother and son. Having been blessed with five boys I have a tender place in my heart for these type of pictures. This little one is so well dressed. She looks a bit lost in thought though. Probably going through her to do list.

This Mother has done quite a job getting everyone's hair and clothes organized. I can not imagine making all these clothes on top of everything else.

Now here is a fun one. I love the joy in the little girl, the straight back of the Mother and the unsaid words and look of the grandmother. Such a great photo.

The apple does not fall too far from the tree here. I love the dark outfit with the trim on it of the little girl.

I love little bald babies they are so sweet. This child has great eyes and eye brows. So defined. The pair is quite beautiful.

Transporting the little ones is always important. This young mother looks like she has lost quite a bit of weight. Her child is so sweet with the bonnet on. Great carriage!


  1. Thank you so much Sweet Elizabeth! These photos and the words you share about Motherhood are wonderful. Love, Jamie

  2. What wonderful giveaways! That is very generous!

  3. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, Elizabeth. You've done a marvelous job of cleaning and sharpening them up for our enjoyment. You are a TREASURE!!! Making all of the clothes would be difficult, but I can't imagine washing, starching (with that terrible blue starch) and ironing them! So much work, and yet the Mom's persevered so they could have these wonderful pictures!!! Thanks again! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. What beautiful pictures Elizabeth. thanks so much for sharing with us
    hugs June xxxxx

  5. Thank you Elizabeth, these are lovely!

  6. These are great! I love looking at old photos! :-)

  7. Thanks so very much Elizabeth,
    They are all so wonderfull, and the baby ones too, how generous of you to share them with us.
    Wishing you a wonderfull mothers day, and week-end.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  8. oh it's so generous of you to give away the photos they are absolutely gorgeous

  9. What great photo's!! Lovely reflections of a time gone by. Cheers, Susan:)

  10. they all are wonderful....I love looking at all the delicate and you know they were handmade by pretty!


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