Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Freebies - Memorial Day

I thought this was sweet. The verse is definitely ageless, it sort of makes you remember all the men and women who have fought and given the ultimate sacrifice through history.

The rest of these images are by Ellen Hattie Clapsaddle. As some of you know she is one of my favorite post card artist. I think her images are so sweet. She can definitely capture a moment in one post card.

As a daughter of a World War II veteran and Prisoner of War I am asking all of you this weekend to thank a veteran for their service. Those that have had family and friends perish serving in the armed forces I personally would like to thank you for your great sacrifice. And to all of you who have family and friends presently serving in the armed forces, I want to extend my gratitude and hopes for their safe and speedy return home. I celebrate and honor mine and my families freedom this weekend because of the sacrifice of others. Do not think for a minute I will ever forget that. Thank you! I hope every one has a safe and happy weekend!


  1. she is a fav of mine as well especially Clapaddle's Haloween post cards.thank you for post memorial day beauties!!!
    and Hattie was my aunts name !!!

  2. What a beautiful post, Elizabeth. Your freebies are very much appreciated, but it's your words that touch my heart - it's what this Holiday is all about. Blessings & Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    Such a beautiful post, thanks for the photos. Happy Memeorial Day weekend.


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