Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Freebies!

I love this picture. She has such a look on her. This whole family of little girls is so sweet.

The older sister of the first little one with flowers. This is the season of flowers.

The older sister again at about the same age. I love that they wore flowers in their hair. I wish more people did now.

Love the big straw hat. I don't think she is related to the other two, although you do see her modeling with them. This photographer could really pick them.

She looks like a little gypsy princess.

This week I thought I would use these three little girls. They were so popular during there time. I wish I knew more about them. The last one is my favorite. I must have about 50 different postcards with her on them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. have a wonderful weekend!


  1. They are so sweet and innocent--angelic little faces, aren't they?

    I wish we knew more, too--their names, etc...Wouldn't it be amazing to find out they were your great-grandmother?!?!

    Thanks for sharing these lovely vintage faces today.

  2. They're all so sweet... Thank you very much.

  3. These are lovely, Elizabeth~ thanks for sharing! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. They're WONderful, Elizabeth! Such sweet, adorable faces. Thank you! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. Thanks for more wonderful images Elizabeth!

  6. Shame on me, I have been away from your blog way to long. I do not know where to start..but here goes, I will try the wonderful salad you have shared. I can see that as a really good side dish.
    And all the lovely photos, you always find and make the sweetest things, really fun. I plan to continue reading, but I wanted to let you know that I am still here, just very busy with family tree.
    Big Hugs, Mary

  7. Hi Elizabeth, they are all so beautiful, thank you very much.
    Happy Friday!

  8. Thanks soooo much for sharing Elizabeth! I just love these little french girls!

  9. They are adorable. And yeah, wouldn't it be lovely to find out they are someone's great-grandmother? That would just be so sweet.

  10. Love these, thank you so much for posting. Riki

  11. Very lovely freebies, thank you so much!!! The last one is the most mysterious picture of all I suppose :)

  12. The last one makes me think of Mary Pickford. xx

  13. Oh my Gosh, Elizabeth!!! These are awesome!! Thank you very very much!

  14. What a sweet little face... Thanks for the freebies.

    I've started offering Friday Freebies myself from my stash of old photos.


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