Monday, June 21, 2010

Freebie Backgrounds

I wonder what types of tea they carried. I love to look for unusual teas when I travel. I still drink my favorite from high school the most though. Add a slice of blueberry pie and I am in heaven.

Wouldn't it be fun to see what kind of clocks this fellow made. I bet there was some impressive jewelry made also. I love the fonts on this one.

Sounds like this guy could do just about everything. Make you a chair, a bed and a coffin if you needed.

It is so nice to be in sandals and not have to worry about boots, shoes, socks, etc...

Thought I would include this for those of you who have already started on your Halloween art. Every time I think of leeches I think about when a couple of my boys dropped their fishing poles in this fairly mucky pond. Of course they just had to jump in and get them. When they came out they were covered in leeches. Of course after we peeled off the leeches, bathed them, and fed them - they vowed never to jump into a pond again with out having someone else do it first.

Here are a couple of sheets that I thought would make good background for you art work. I love the graphics that they used back then. I wish more places would adopt these bold designs. I hope you enjoy them.


  1. Love these, Elizabeth, they are fantastic!! I've got to tell you that my husband and I visited one of our sons and his family in N.C. last week. It was wonderful. We went to Topsail Island one afternoon. I thought about you so many times while I was there because I remembered you being in coastal NC. Beautiful country and great people.

    Thanks again for the backgrounds!

  2. these are awesome ... thanks so much for sharing ...... Linda F

  3. these are wonderful ~ thanks for sharing!!!

  4. These are just awesome Elizabeth! Thanks so much for the vintage images!!

  5. these are fabulous thanks so much

  6. These images are awesome, Elizabeth! Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. These are wonderful.... thankyou. They will be great for lots of projects - especially my gluebook!

    I love the old styles and fonts, so evocative of times gones by.

    I love the little stories that you put on your blog - snippets of family life, like your boys and the leeches. Its such a pleasure to visit. Thanks again!


  8. Thank You so much Elizabeth!! Much appreciated.

  9. BEAUTIFUL backgrounds!!!!Thanks a lot, Elizabeth!!!

  10. These are wonderful and just what I have been looking for. Thanks so much for generously sharing your finds.

  11. I LOVE these backgrounds! Each one of them tells such a wonderful story. Thank you, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  12. Elizabeth, I took the opportunity to give you a Kreativ blogger award. Now to me it says ..Hey..Look at Elizabeth's blog
    it's terrific...given in that spirit...mostly I love your generous spirit

  13. Thanks, Elizabeth. I often wonder the same kinds of things when I look at antiques. What kind of live lived in this room?

  14. Hi Elizabeth,
    thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous backgrounds with us.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend.


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