Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Junes Magazine Cover - Freebies

This one has fabulous graphics. Harper's always has such great themes for their covers.

Hard to believe it is June already! So much happens this month. Congrats to all the grads out there and their families.

This is one of my favorite morning pleasures. A nice ride.

Ah! The Ladies Book club. I seriously suggest joining one. Friends are made and good books are read.

Thought I should end with another boat scene. Summer is about boating, beaching, and reading. Family and friends, gardening, and finding a moment to relax with the longer day.

Hope you are enjoying them as much as I am. Hope you are all off to lovely week!


  1. Love those covers, especially the Bookman one. Thanks for sharing these with us. :)Bea

  2. Thanks for more wonderful magazine covers. Don't you think the lady reading in the boat must be so hot in that outfit!!

  3. Elizabeth, this is a wonderful collection! These images are just perfect to illustrate the month of June. Thanks so much! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Love the illustrative style!!!!!


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