Friday, June 18, 2010

Some 4 by 4's

Some days you feel like creating, but you do not have time for something big. That is where these 4 by 4's come in for me. I like to keep several pre cut shapes - 3 by 5, 2 by 2, an inchies or two, some 4 by 4's and some postcards in an envelope on my work table. When I have left over paint on my brush I slap it on some, or left over scraps I randomly glue them on. Then when I need a quick something to start my creative juices I turn to these to get flowing. Simple but satisfying.


  1. These are the backgrounds!

  2. These are beautiful, and what a great idea! Tx for sharing, ;).

  3. Hi elizabeth-I really like your cards--and so organized of you to have those sizes made ahead of time and ready to work on. what a great idea!!

  4. I love your idea and your warm-ups. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Rita A.

  5. These are amazing.... what a great way to start backgrounds!

    I love the bird - he is stunning!


  6. these are gorious, love them all and the birdie most :)
    Thanks for the tip keeping some precut pieces handy, so smart, this is something i'm going to adopt for sure :)
    have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Elizabeth, these are just so creative and wonderful. I truly enjoy seeing what you create,such a pleasure.
    Thank you for sharing, I love these!!!
    Your imagination is endless .........

    Wish you a nice weekend.

  8. some great ideas. i'm always looking for something creative at the end of my work day but lack the inspiration. thanks.

  9. Love the stitching on the heart page! I want to get more stitching into my art too. But these 4X4s are wonderful!

  10. These are really nice! Great idea to have some different sizes handy on desktop. I'm gonna follow your lead!



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