Friday, June 25, 2010

This Week's Journal Pages

Embrace your wild side, your inner child. Enjoy life!

Some very wise words I wish I had heard more when my boys were younger!

I just loved this picture of these stair step kids. She looks pretty young to have all of these kids.

A woman at the Doctor's office quoted this to me as she was waiting for her daughter. I wondered what kind of trauma they were going through, but was afraid to ask. Isn't it funny how someone can say just one thing and it will stick with you for so long...

With all the heat the past week we have had, it seems like at night I just need to lose it for awhile in a book.

My quote journal is almost finished. I only have four or five pages left. It is getting large and harder to work in. I had to do surgery on it so that I could work with out the pages falling out. I will say it has been a fun journal to work in. I am looking forward to starting a new journal though. Different themes and ideas have started to dance in my head. How do you start your journal? Do you do everything in just one, or do you have several going at once?


  1. Great pages... I love the idea of a quote journal. I do quotes on inchies but so much more space to work with in a journal!

    I have several journaling projects on the go at one time, in different books, with lots of unfinished things to play with when the mood is right...

    I especially love your second piece... that is just so true and not just about children.... sometimes we can plan too much, rather than enjoy the moment. The detailed planning may never come to anything... but something just as good, or even better probably will - and you've lived in the 'today'

    Probably makes no sense.... but I do LOVE your work :)


  2. I always love looking at your journal spreads, and I have especially enjoyed your quote journal. Were you ever called to the gulf to help with the sea turtles?

  3. Isn't every journal a quote journal...oops
    I think I like your idea putting them all into one...maybe then I could find them all
    loved your journal

  4. OH a quote journal..what a fantastic idea.
    I love this site.

  5. I love your idea of the quote journal! Your pages are wonderful!

  6. Fabulous pages and quotes! How exciting to be nearing a full quote journal and planning the next!

  7. Stunning journal pages, and what a great way to remember quotes! I've only just begun to journal, so you've given me a fab idea of doing separate journals for various things ~~ thanks! However, for now, I'm so obsessed with the process that I'm toting my one journal, and various supplies, with me everywhere I go. So, for now, I'll continue to use this first one for everything. However, I will definitely consider doing separate ones in the future. How exciting it must be to be nearing the end of one book...and planning the beginning of the next one, ;). Happy Weekend...and Creating!

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    love your journal pages there just gorgeous.You know what came to my mind as I saw your first page -
    don't laugh,the late Princess Diana.For some strange reason it looks like her. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.


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