Thursday, July 8, 2010

Examples of One Palette...

This image is from the Library of Congress. I turned this into a journal page.

This is from one of my digital collages.

I used one of my photographs on this page. I do love doors.

Here I used one of my favorite Library of Congress images. Don't you know this was a hard life. The fragment stamp is one of Robin Marie Smith's.

This image is one of my own photographs. I turned it to basic black and white through my photoshop/elements program.

Here are just a few examples from my one palette experiment. I really learned a lot from doing this. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I LOVE the subtle tones of your palette! Each of your pages is lovely to behold. Thanks for sharing your process, and the beautiful end results! (And many thanks for the unfinished palette as well!)

  2. What a stunning, successful experiment! You SHOULD be pleased, Elizabeth - your work is innovative and full of depth. LOVE your journal pages. I hope everyone takes time to enlarge your work to see all of the beautiful layers, textures and details. Fabulous!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. love , love this - thanks again for sharing!

  4. These are stunning! I love them all!
    What a successful experiment.
    The images and messages are great.
    I pareticularly like the "only you can open the door: - I need that message!
    take care.

  5. WOW! These are fantastic. You should be very pleased. Don't you love experimentation? I find I always learn new things each time I try something new. Thanks so much for sharing your process.

  6. Elizabeth, I have lost touch with my fellow oddkins. Work takes up way too much of my time now. Just wanted to stop in a say hi and tell you that I'm glad to see you are still blogging and arting. Hugs... jaYne p.s. Love the bird art above...

  7. Thanks for sharing, I will try that. I love the one palette color frame. Your original photographs are wonderful. I enjoy your creations so much.

  8. Ditto on Terri's comment Elizabeth. So many different results from one palette.
    You should be selling this stuff and making lots of money!


  9. Super work here. I love it. It's quite sophisticated in feeling.

    That "hard life" picture reminds me of my great grandmother who managed to live it till she was 90! I think the weak died off young and the rest kept on going.

  10. I love how each page is so different and stands alone and yet, put them together and you have that WOW effect.
    I cant wait to see more of your work!

  11. These are beautiful Elizabeth. Love this colour scheme....

  12. I love this project! and you say you have been lax with your freebies? I'll never understand how you create so many fabulous projects!!
    I haven't used citra solv but now I must add it to my list! thanks for sharing!


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