Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth Of July!

Lady Freedom, hope today is special for all of you.

I love this one. That Ellen Hattie Clapsaddle could really capture a moment.

What a wonderful way to celebrate. A whole weekend of flags, parades, and fireworks!

The flag. What a wonderful symbol of this country. The streets in my neighbor are lined with them this weekend. Almost every house is decked out in holiday decorations. I am so proud to be an American.

Children and the Fourth sort of go hand in hand. Here at the beach we are overrun with tourists this weekend. Last night, our neighborhood did fireworks. The ooh's and ahh's and looks on the kids faces were priceless.

Thought I would quickly post a few Fourth of July images and wish everyone here in the United States a wonderful Fourth of July. I hope you see some glorious fireworks, a parade, spend some time with family and friends, and eat some fantastic food.

In all of this take a moment and reflect on how lucky we are to have the freedoms that we have. The sacrifices made to give us this wonderful freedom we have and the sacrifices still being made to keep these freedoms. To any and all who have a veteran or current military in the family I salute and thank you. I cherish the freedom you have given me and those I love.


  1. Wishing you and yours a very happy fourth Elizabeth!
    Enjoy * Enjoy!

  2. Have a great fourth today Elizabeth! I will remember as well, being an American living in Canada. Wonderful blog! Susan :)

  3. Here, here Elizabeth! Great sentiment and pics. Thanks, Sally

  4. Beautiful flag pics and post, Elizabeth, and great reminder of how much we have to be thankful for. Hoping you and your family had a fabulous 4th. BTW, when time allows, please visit my blog; there is a surprise waiting for you there! Happy Day!


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