Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Digital Collage - Forgotten Memories

The day I came home from rehab the friend who brought me home went up to my studio and gathered up a couple of unfinished projects and brought them downstairs. I explained that they were unfinished and it would be awhile till I could get back upstairs to the materials I needed to finish them. She tilted her head and smiled at me, then said "I know."

Little did I know... but she knew that they would bug me just sitting there waiting to be finished. Everyday they would scream in their silent way for me to work harder, rest more, heal, so that I could finish them. Yesterday I finished this one. All it is lacking is a mat and frame.

In physical therapy as they push and push you to rebuild and strengthen your muscles they remind you that it is just reminding your muscles of forgotten paths and strengths. If you do the work they will remember, make the connections, and grow stronger. As I completed this digital collage, I thought how appropriate that it should be titled "Forgotten Memories." A tribute to all that was left behind and forgotten.


  1. Beautiful collage Elizabeth and its great to see that you are back to your art! What a wise friend you have!

  2. A beautiful piece of art. Glad you did finish it!

  3. wonderful muted colours, I love this piece!

  4. What a great friend. This is lovely and I'm glad you are back at your artwork again. :)Bea

  5. What a great friend. And what a great reminder. Thank you for sharing and hugs and good vibes for your recovery.

  6. It is beautiful and artistic, Elizabeth! Standing ovation from me.

  7. she is a lovely part of your recovery.
    Art is therapy too.
    Continued prayers for your well being!

  8. Really beautiful, Elizabeth. It's so nice to have you back again! xoxo Diane

  9. How lucky and blessed you are to have such a "knowing" and wise friend! Your piece is beautiful, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  10. I knew you would take the bull by the horns so to speak!!!! This is beautiful and with such a treasured message. You go girl! xoxo, Sharon

  11. Hi Elizabeth,
    this is absolutely gorgeous!! Love it. It is so good to see you back!
    What a wonderful friend you have.
    Hope you'll be hopping up the stairs in no time.

  12. Forgotten Memories is quite beautiful. Some day I'll turn to my computer and teach myself how to do digital collage. Classes on Photoshop haven't sunk in.
    I'm glad you're feeling better and that your muscle memory is returning.

  13. Love your blog ! So glad that you are doing well

  14. I was so pleased to read your blog this morning and see that you are baking and that you finished one of your pieces!

  15. Beautiful collage. Sending good vibes for you to keep getting stronger every day.

  16. Wonderful piece with a very special message.

    Wishing you well.

  17. Hello Elizabeth, beautiful creation ! I love the way you built it and the colors are really great

  18. So beautiful and ethereal- glad you feel like working again-hooray

  19. What a fabulous piece! Love the muted colors!
    Have a wonderful upcoming weekend!
    Gaby xo


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