Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Journal Page - Things I Love

This is the last page I did in my art journal the night I fell and broke my hip. I have been working in this journal for some time and wanted to try and finish it up that week. I was looking forward to starting a new journal. Little did I know that the journal I would start would start in rehab; involve physical and occupational therapists. Life is full of funny twists and turns.


  1. Hope your rehab is going well. My rehab last summer was self induced by requesting my bunion to be removed while I felt I was still young enough to deal with crutches and the like. It wasn't fun but in the long run I'm glad I did it. Also hope Earl wasn't bad for you. Up in Hampton Roads we only got rain and not enough of it.

  2. What a lovely, happy, colorful spread. Amazing how "life happens when we least expect it". Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. So glad things are improving for you! Wishing you health and strong progress.

  4. Been thinking of you and trusting that all is going well. :) Your journal page is just lovely! And certainly a perfect reflection of all that matters in life.

  5. What a beautiful journal page. The girl is so lovely. And I love your theme. We should all do something similar - to make us realize what we trying do have!
    Hope you are healing well!

  6. That little girl image is just adorable! And yes life is full of twists and turns--literally it was for you!!

  7. A lovely, colorful page reminding one of priorities. A great page to turn during life's challenges. Sorry about the break; hope the new journaling subject material helped with the rehabilitation and recovery.

  8. There is always something about your art that strikes right to my heart. I'm so glad to be able to peek in and see what you are up to. Did you know, your blog is on my google homepage? I love seeing what you do on a daily basis! Keep up the good work Elizabeth.. Your many admirers are so grateful!
    And continued success with your rehab!

  9. Penny thank you so much. These words of encouragement have really helped me through this whole process of rehab. I am honored to be on your google reader page.

  10. I love all your journal pages and I find them really inspiring. This one has such vibrant colours.

    I really wish you a speedy recovery.

    I don't mean this to sound 'flip' but my nan used to say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

    Best wishes


  11. These pages are so beautiful Elizabeth!! The colors are wonderful, as are the circles everywhere and the bird-on-the-head feature :)
    P.S. so good to see your art again....

  12. This is a beautiful spread.
    Hope your life's twists and turns are over for a bit!! LOL

  13. So now you need to add "good health" to that list! Very nice page and a good reminder of what is important.

    Blue and yellow with a touch of all the other colors is my all-time favorite combo!

  14. I just read about your hip....HOLY cow woman.....are you doing better?
    Wow, I am shocked and surprised and sad that it happened...
    I gotta tell you on a happy note, that I think this journal page is the favorite one I have EVER seen....from anyone...
    Something about it just really, really appeals to me.


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