Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekends an Anniversaries.....

This past weekend Fall finally arrived. It was the cool blue air, the smell of falling leaves in the air, people walking around with shoes on instead of flip flops. I have noticed more people out riding motorcycles, bicycles, and walking. Everyone enjoying the relief from the rain and heat. I feel so energized. Doesn't the cooler weather make you feel refreshed?

Last Sunday was my parents sixty seven year anniversary. Can you believe that? I am so blessed to have such wonderful parents. They married as World War Two was breaking out. My father went off to war leaving my Mother home to lead the war effort. Once home they worked together to make a wonderful life for my brother, sister, and I. They have been wonderful role models for my children and me. Congratulations Mom and Dad!

I mention all of this because I spent a lot of this past weekend and most of this week in full retrospect of time, life, and family and friends. I guess injuries and accidents will do that to you. I have had more time than usual to think and plan. So, I hope in the next week you will check in and see some of the things I have planned. Sorry for the teaser, but they can be fun. I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend. Most of all I hope you are all enjoying sunny skies and wonderful moments with friends and family!


  1. 67 years of marriage is simply amazing. Congratulations to them!

  2. Many blessings for your parents as they celebrate their 67th year of marriage, Elizabeth. Quite an accomplishment! Enjoy the wonderful fall weather! Happy Weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  3. having that kind of time on your hands will prompt a bit of retrospect:)
    my parents are getting ready to celebrate 60 years and that is amazing, so 67 is absolutely incredible! we really are fortunate!


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