Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Digital Photograph - Afternoon Drive

Thought I would share a photograph of the sun starting to go down yesterday. As I headed for the coast and Pocosin Lake I noticed the beautiful sky through my windshield. What a magnificent sky!


  1. OMG...that sky is spectacular! Beautiful shot, Elizabeth.

  2. They are definitely the prettiest at this time of year. My very favorites.

  3. Recently, on the way to a meeting, I was fascinated by the post-storm sky which presented infinite shades of blue and arresting cloud formations. I marvelled at it all the way to the meeting. On arrival, I said to a friend, "Did you notice the sky on the way here. Wasn't it ..." and in the same breath as I said "beautiful", she said "ugly"! And isn't that an interesting perspective on the way some of us see the world about us. I'm so glad you see the beauty, Elizabeth, and I'm so glad you share it with us!

  4. This is an absolutely gorgeous photo, Elizabeth! What camera do you use? I've always just had a point and shoot, but it's dying and I'm considering a DSLR. What with this chemo-brain of mine, I just hope I can learn to use it!
    So glad you had a wonderful visit with your mom and dad. What a blessing.


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