Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Digital Photograph - I am Thankful for.....

We have a tradition in our family that as we sit down to feast at Thanksgiving we must say what we are thankful for. This year I have so many things to be thankful for. I have started early making my list. Talk about bringing your spirits up, try making a list of all you are thankful for. I think it will amaze you. One of the things on my list is the ability to go an enjoy all the beauty this state and country have to offer. We truly live in a wondrous place. I thought this morning I would share a picture of the Blue Ridge Mountains taken at Saddle Ridge. Enjoy!


  1. Truly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Beautiful capture, Elizabeth! We are, indeed, blessed! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving!
    Thanks for sharing such a lovely photo!

  4. Beautiful, just beautiful! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday Elizabeth!


  5. What a wonderful place. Your photo is beautiful. I agree this land of ours is wonderful. Here I sit in the foothills of the Cascades in a surprise foot of snow and I am in awe. It's like someone dropped a load of diamonds from the heavens. Someday I shall see the Blue Ridge Mtns. Happy Thanksgiving Elizabeth.

  6. Elizabeth,
    I know I get busy and don't always blog,,but I want you to know, when I think about what I am thankful for, Family and friends,,,,and that certainly includes BLOG friends! And, truly, I'm thankful for YOU! And, I'm thankful that you are Healthy and doing what you love to do!

    I'm having a little Crafty GIVEAWAY if you want to stop over and enter......and in addition, if you email me your physical addy I'll send you some wallpaper scraps from Silver Bella in Omaha, if you'd like! I think you have my email addy, but if you have lost it, Email me at Shelly39wa@aol.com

    Hugs and Love and Big thanks for being a dear blog friend!

  7. Thank you for that lovely picture-I'd like to sit there and have a piece of pumpkin pie! so much to be thankful for !


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