Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Digital Photograph - On the Way Home

Thought I would share just one of the amazing landscape scenes I experienced yesterday. I think I photographed every barn and tree along the Blue Ridge Parkway I could find. Needless to say, it made for a long day and my hip began to scream at me. I have slept in today, I needed the rest. I am hoping to make it to Mom and Dad's before dark. It is dark and dreary and raining here. I am going to have to hit an antique store or two on the way home. Don't forget today is the last day to leave comments on my Journal post to win a journal.


  1. What an amazing capture, Elizabeth! At first glance, I actually thought it was a painted piece (al la Grandma Moses). Upon closer inspection, I realized that you've manipulated this shot beautifully! Will continue to pray for a safe trip. Hugs,Terri xoxox

  2. What a gorgeous photograph... I've enjoyed your journey in pictures!

    I am going to search for an encaustics class..... inspiring images.

    Have a great stay with your parents:)


  3. Gosh, this is beautiful. Looks like a painting. Isn't it funny when people say that about nature? But, again, I see another book jacket cover. Guess one of us better get busy writing the book, huh? :)Bea

  4. Beautiful photo...reminiscent of an old masters painting!

  5. so pretty Elizabeth.

    your shots are beautiful and have an eerie quality to them.

    it is dreary as you approach DC today. I live about 2 hours away and a big old rain cloud is over the whole area.

  6. My what a pretty setting this is, and what a gorgeous digital photograph you've created with it Elizabeth.. amazes me that you are able to create this "on the run" so to speak! Safe journeys, and enjoy the ride!
    xxooxx Penny

  7. I love journals please put me in for the drawing. Thanks

  8. What wonderful views to enjoy on your travel. Thanks for sharing..I'm a barn person too.

  9. Love the way you capture trees.. my favorite... your digital rendering is fab!! Have a great trip.


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