Thursday, November 18, 2010

Digital Photograph - Shelter

Home. Funny what that four letter word can mean. I made it to my parent's house safe and sound. Somewhat tired of the road, yet wanting to keep on searching for just one more shot. It feels so good to be here, surrounded by my parents love and all the things that make this a home.

Catching up on some much needed sleep, family news, and great conversations. Thought I would share another Blue Ridge or Skyline Drive picture with you. I am caling this one Shelter. The shelter of a mother, a tree, a home...


  1. Love the look you get on your photos.

  2. Awesome capture, Elizabeth! So happy to hear that you're "home" safe and sound. Enjoy being nurtured (at least for a little while). Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. I love this, really beautiful.

  4. Another stunning digital! Looks as if you have been very busy since my last visit. Enjoy your family time.


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