Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Digital Photograph - The Loner

This is a most beautiful tree from the Wildlife Refuge. As I drove through the refuge I saw this tree with a large bird sitting in it. I stopped...took a picture...drove closer...stopped...took a picture this went on for some time till I arrived at the tree. I got out and started to take pictures of the tree and the bird. As I zoomed in on the bird I realized the rather large bird was not a Vulture but a large male Bald Eagle who was keeping an eye on me. He graciously allowed me to take several pictures before he flew off - screeching - to wow me with catching a fish.

I have submitted one of the photos to a photo contest or else I would share. Keep your fingers crossed that I get atleast a honorable mention. The background for this photograph I gleaned from DJ Pettitte. Thank you DJ.


  1. Wonderful photo and background! Look forward to seeing your eagle when you can post it!! Good luck!

  2. I LOVE the the picture with the tree. The background does not look digi at all. Just beautiful.

  3. gorgeous picture
    hope you do well in that contest.
    Lillian Mederak.

  4. You are sure to win something! Great shot and wonderful enhancements!

    shadohart (at) gmail (dot) com


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