Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Madness

This is the Christmas tree when you first get to the island where I have been staying. I am so sorry for not posting since I got here. The house where I am staying has internet it just does not have enough juice to let me upload photographs or publish a post.

I am a little leary of going to Starbucks or McDonalds to upload. I am not sure what information they retain on those public sites. I am posting a bunch of beach things tonight. I hope you enjoy them. I have been walking on the beach everyday it hasn't been raining, eating great food, visiting with wonderful friends and their family, shopping with girlfriends for our families, and reading lots of books. I had to put off reading while packing, sorting, and moving.

Journaling is about the only art I have done the past few weeks. Of course, I have been taking pictures like a mad woman. My five year old phone died and I replaced it with the new iphone and every camera app I could find. A new world...

I am hoping everyone is shopped and wrapped, decorated and starting their cooking. I am off to the mountains for a week or so to see my boys. A good time and good food is planned by all. Snow is expected!

ps the tree was photographed with my iphone

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Elizabeth!



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