Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Finished Journal...

Finally finished. This journal took a really long time to finish. At over 100 pages, and being on the road we became quite intimate.

I like to ink around my pages to give them some dimension. This was a "diary" type journal with a lot of everyday life thrown in.

I started this journal in the midst of my selling my house and sorting, packing and storing my belongings. It severely limited how much "art" I could do in my journal. I decided to use up old magazines and catalogs. They also make a good surface to glue on. In a hotel or friend's house this is important.

Photographs from home always are welcome. They help to capture a moment or something you were doing. I like to use decorative tape in this type of journal to block off a designated place to capture my thoughts.

I like to include recipes, wine labels, menus, etc. That way when I go to the store to shop I know what to look for. The boys and I enjoy trying out wines from different countries. Over the holidays we pick a country and one night serve food and wine from there. Argentina and Chile are always a big hit. Another one of my boys enjoys beer. I am always amazed at the cool labels they have.

This journal has had a lot of puppy dogs in it. It seemed like I was always finding some cute pup pictures. I figured after about the tenth photo it must be some sort of sign. I have really enjoyed all of the pups I have come in contact with the past few months. Almost every place I have stayed has had at least one or to pups. [Our little guy passed away about 5 years ago.]

More wine labels and a template for an ornament from another December journal page.

I included in this journal things I was attracted to. I figured it was a start on decorating the new house - when I find it. I also found things to remind me of home. I have a clock collection and in this journal I included some images of clocks I have or clocks I am on the look out for. They are also a reminder to enjoy this time. It is a gift.

Here is an example of a page that I just used ideas that appealed to me that I found in several different magazines. I cut them out and put in my journals. I can never find these ideas when I go back through my magazines. This way I have several on a page. Going through a journal is so much easier. I have several journals that I call "idea" journals that have nothing but things I have found in books, magazines, etc... On this page scrabble tiles for name tags for your table, or for the buffet table to name the food you are serving, some rather cool jars to store your fruit and veggies in, and a great recipe for raspberry sparklers.

A good afternoon with friends!

Words can motivate you to do things you might not think was possible. I find that those words of intent can be very important in your life. Remember them. Use them daily.

The end.

I thought I would share this journal with you to show you that your journal can be anything you want it to be. It can be a lovely art journal, a place to jot down lists, decorating ideas, menus, recipes, keep pictures you love, your deepest dreams. A journal can be anything you want it to be, you can have more than one going at a time. Just journal. It will set you free.


  1. Elizabeth, this journal is awesome! I see many ideas here that I would like to use in my own journals. It is eye candy as well as a record of YOU.
    Deborah D

  2. This is a very lovely journal, Elizabeth. I'm inspired. Thanks

  3. Wonderful way to stay in touch with yourself and your surroundings during times of big change. How did you bind this?
    I got a Bind It All but the coils I bought are too big for what I am doing. :(

  4. I love this always have your hand in so many things that I always get inspired! I have missed your fault I know, but I am here now!

  5. Elizabeth, thanks for sharing your's just fabulous!

  6. Impressive amount of work, and all so appealing!

  7. I KNEW you'd find an artistic way to record your move and your movements!!! What a fabulous, creative record of your year, Elizabeth! (Hmmmmm . . . . methinks there might be a set of paws in your future!!!!) Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

  8. your journal is wonderful. thanks for sharing "you" with us. i love the techniques you used. an inspiration for me to get started on one! hugs.

  9. You have given me a new perspective on journaling. Thanks for sharing your journal and the ideas of what you can include in them.


  10. Elizabeth your journal is fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us. You are always such an inspiration.

  11. How do you remove the labels from the bottles of wine and beer?

  12. To answer your question Walks w/ Wolves... To remove the labels I first rinse the bottle in warm sudsy water. I then fill the bottle with very hot water. Let sit for a few minutes. This allows the glue to get warm that is on the label. I keep the water hot inside the bottle until I can peel the label off. Sometimes you have to soak the whole bottle. I have a friend who fills the bottle with hot water, then microwaves for 15 seconds at a time till the label comes off. You can not do that if there is any metalic in the label. Hope this helps.

  13. Great journal. I do some collage from magazines but not too much. I do clip ideas of things I'd like to have or do such as yards or crafty stuff and those dogs in the mags get me to include them now and then too. Thanks for sharing so much of it.

  14. What a fabulous journal, love it, thank you so much for sharing and reminding us that our journals can be whatever we want them to be :)

  15. elizabeth...your journal is lovely and will certainly be a place for you to crawl back to on any given number of days and something your family will cherish as a remembrance of you. i can only imagine how long it took you to do this, but it is certainly a labor of love. truly. i long to look through it and pore over every page. it has given me lust real bad. any chance in the future you might do some posts about how to begin to use photoshop for the newest, newest beginners? i would so love it. jenni

  16. Auntie jenni I think that is a great idea for some posts. Probably in March I could do that. I am going to be traveling the rest of the month.


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