Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring Flowers on the Way...

Guess what I found this morning on my walk? Yes, these bulbs coming up. I could hardly believe my eyes! background by dj pettitt, thank you.


  1. Cool combo Elizabeth! And our bulbs are behaving like silly things and coming up also.

  2. Lucky you! We've been having abnormally warm temps in MN but expect anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow tomorrow. One of my elderly clients received a pot of blooming daffodils for Valentine's Day. They are so lovely.!

  3. So exciting. I saw some iris shoots in my garden.
    It's around the corner!

    Spring that is. One month!

  4. Very exciting! How long did they take to grow that tall?
    -Jackie @ Plastic Table Covers

  5. Jackie it took about two days for them to grow this tall. Two days of sunshine and warmth. Incredible.


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