Monday, February 28, 2011

William Bouguereau - Freebies

One of is most recognized paintings.

One of his favorite models.

My favorite little one.

Love the flowers around her head. Stunning contrast to her clothes.


Thought I would start out the week with some William Bouguereau paintings. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do. He was a French painter. His family owned olives and wine. It was thought he would follow but his passion was painting. He was thought to be the best in his lifetime. He married an English girl and had five children. He showed his work in the Academy. He loved to paint his children and their friends. He was sought after and had an extremely lucrative painting business. He was quite prolific, painting over 800 known paintings. I can see the joy in his paintings. He was quoted as saying that he loved to wake up and know he was going to spend the day in his studio. He went to bed happy knowing he would be in his studio the next day. To me, that is happiness. I am off to the Paul Gauguin exhibit in D.C., weather permitting.


  1. These are soooo beautiful. Thank you so much

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful paintings! WB is my favorite artist! His work lifts my soul every time!

  3. Stunning! Thank you, Elizabeth! Enjoy your time in DC! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Dear Elizabeth,
    Thank you for these beautiful images and the lesson on William Bouguereau...I loved it.
    I hope you get to go on your adventure.
    Simply Debbie

  5. Elizabeth, these are soooooo beautiful! Thank you so much my dear!

  6. I really love these. They are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  7. He is one of my favorites too. Thanks for these. How have you been? I had a bad Jan-Feb. with the loss of a friend and father in law. I am really just getting back to the creative process and blogging. Have thought of you often. Have fun in DC. Hugs, Sharon


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