Friday, March 4, 2011

Angels all Around Us

White Angel

I have to tell you a little story about last night. After dinner my escort went down to the underground garage to get the car. After many minutes he returned saying the car was not working properly and would not start. I went down with him to see what was the matter as he seemed very flustered.

Once down in the garage we realized the battery on the car had died. Getting out of the car I remarked that we would just have to find a jump. Just then a car pulled in right behind us. A young man jumped out. We asked him if he had any jumper cables...

He laughed and said "I have something better. I just bought this battery charger. I thought I might need it some day." He promptly popped the hood, hooked it up, pressed a button, we tried to start it and it started. Miracles. His name was Carl. Our own angel...


  1. I love when ordinary things have a miraclous twist to them!

  2. Nice story. Angels are all around us--and show themselves just when you need them!

  3. The Universe is generous and abundant! Don't you just love it when something like this happens. It reinforces faith! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. It was Karma !!!! ..look back,you've done many kind things!!


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