Thursday, April 28, 2011

Digital Photograph ...The House

The House

Last night while I listened to the news about all of the horrible tornados hitting the South my heart just cried for all those people. Texting friends in Alabama to make sure they were safe most of the night, I worked on some digital pieces till late. This morning I realized everyone of them had houses in them.

I guess listening and watching all those people lose their homes sunk into my subconcious. I do have houses on the brain though. I have been going through huge emails of homes from my realtor. I took this photograph in a little town in Virginia. It was the local Doctor's home and office for most of it's life. Hope ya'll are all safe in your homes!


  1. this is such a moving piece!
    My heart.along with prayers..go out to all who have suffered through these terrible tornadoes. The photos i have seen are just heartbreaking..the devastation and loss...the loss of family,loved ones,friends....I can't begin to imagine who they feel..I have tears in my heart for them.

  2. A beautiful photo, and a touching commentary. We are all struck by the tragedy and loss experienced by so many. A tornado touched down where my parents live in Florida a week ago. Thankfully no one was hurt and there was no devastating damage there. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are or have been in harm's way this spring.

  3. Thank you Ann and Linda. It makes my heart weep everytime I turn on the t.v and see the devastation. I am so lucky my friends are okay. Also, Linda I am so glad your parents were spared in Florida. Near misses are very scary. Thank you both for sending up prayers.


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