Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Little Pink for You...

The state flower of Virginia - The Dogwood. Here is the pink version. Remember in the movie "American President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning , the president tries to give her the state flower of Virginia and there is a great debate about whether it is a flower or a tree. Well, it is both.

Driving through the suburbs of Northern Virginia it is a riot of pink. Pink trees in the neighborhood. Here is a sample of pictures from a couple of Cherry tree. Pink Dogwoods. It is glorious to see. Enjoy!


  1. The state tree of Missouri is the dogwood. But we have white dogwoods here.

  2. I am NC native but living in Florida now, I so miss seeing the lovely dogwoods...Thanks for pictures of the beautiful pink version....

  3. so pretty! i do remember that movie and i liked it :)


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