Thursday, April 21, 2011

See What You Can Make with a Freebie....

Do you remember a few weeks back "The Girl on a Bike" freebies? Yesterday I got an email from Robin over at the Robins Nest. She had made this fabulous fabric collage piece using one of those images. I just loved it. Jump over to her blog at Robin just had a retreat...wait just hop over there and let her tell you all about it in her post. You won't be sorry, she has a lovely blog. Enjoy!


  1. You are so sweet to post my collage here Elizabeth! Thanks so much.


  2. My Pleasure! You do beautiful work, it should be shared!

  3. how beautiful!!! I'm on my way to her blog!! thanks for sharing this!

  4. This fabric collage is so beautiful, and the "freebie" just adds a special touch. Heading over to Robin's blog...thanks so much for sharing!


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