Saturday, April 9, 2011

Signs along the way...

Yes! The Piggly Wiggley is alive and well in the South. For those of you in other parts of the country and world, it is a Southern grocery chain store. This is one of the older signs.
Saw this on the back of a public bus in Alabama. Love the stencil of James Bond for the bail bonding company!

This resturant sign pretty much says it all in three little letters. This was taken with my iphone.

All over the south, particularly South Carolina an Alabama you see these huge fireworks stores off the Interstates. They are almost blinding when the sun hits them with all their glitter and glam.

Thought ya'll might enjoy some of the signs I am seeing along the journey. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Pigglywiggly..gosh,i have many fond memories of visiting my aunt in College Park,Ga.back in the 50's and 60's and going to this grocery with her! She was such a wonderful,warm and loving aunt! thanks for the lovely visit down memory lane!

  2. Elizabeth, you KNOW I love following your journeys and seeing the world through your camera lens. OMG! That Piggly Wiggly sign brings back memories of when we used to visit my in-laws in FLA years ago! I think I'll have to get my Iphone checked out . . . . it doesn't seem to take pictures as well as yours!!!! Travel safely, My Friend!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo


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