Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Everything is Coming up Roses...Freebies

Some antique rose prints I found along the way. The quality is not great, but they are still beautiful to me. I love Roses. They are all so different, yet each and everyone so beautiful. I love the fragrance of roses. My Mother always cuts them and brings them inside, another friend has small bouquets around her house. They always make everything look so elegant.

One year for Mother's Day my boys each gave me a Rose bush and we planted them. They gave me so much pleasure.[both the boys and the roses] So today, as corny as it may sound, take a moment and stop to smell the roses. You might be surprised...


  1. I love the yellow ones. We have a public garden here that has a rose garden in it. I love to look at all the different colors and varieties and the smell.

  2. I just adore roses, thank you so much for sharing these great paintings of roses, I love them :)

  3. these are beautiful!! I can use them to create"roses" in my house!! thank you!!

  4. Thank you for sharing these, Elizabeth! They're lovely!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox


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