Monday, May 30, 2011

A Few Days in the Mountains...

A beautiful view is around every corner in the mountains.

I stopped here to eat lunch and stretch my legs.

A dam at one of the many lakes in the mountains of North Carolina.

This North Carolina waterfall is called Dry Falls.

The view from about half way down the waterfall.

The Mountains are where I like to go to renew my soul in the summer time. The light is so beautiful. The sounds of the birds and running water is everywhere. For me that is instant relaxation. It is definitely a place to realize just how small you are and what a vast place the world still is. I am always amazed that there are roads, train tracks, and bridges. Tunnels through mountains. Wow! The effort it must have taken. I hope you enjoy these. That they bring you peace when you see them. [I was so proud that I was able to hike all the way from the top to the bottom of the waterfall.]


  1. What a wonderful place, perfect for relaxing, the great outdoors at it's best

  2. These pictures are absolutely stunning Elizabeth. They remind me of why I miss NC so much. I can only image how tired I would be after hiking down to one of those gorgeous waterfalls, but the views are certainly worth the effort. Hope you have a great Memorial Day.


  3. Beautiful!! Thank so much for sharing these photos. Wish i was there!!

  4. breathtaking!!!
    the beauty of nature through your eyes!!!
    thank you for bringing these beautiful places to us!


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