Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day & Some Freebies...

Happy Memorial Day to all. This holiday started out as a day to put flags on the graves of those who fought in the Civil War. A day to remember those who so galantly lost their lives for what they believed in. A day to be thankful that we are reunited. After the World Wars, families began to include their loved ones graves with flags. In 1971 it became an official holiday to remember all that have given their lives for our freedom.

I would like to thank all of the families who have lost a loved one serving our country, fighting for our freedom. I also want to thank all of the families who have loved ones in the sevice, retired or active. Thank you for you and your families sacrifice. My family really appreciates it.


  1. Thank you for the lovely tribute to all those dear loved ones!

  2. Oh Tammy, how thankful I am for all of them!

  3. what a beautiful,heartfelt tribute to those who gave their that we can have freedom! Thank you to their families..who gave so much!


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