Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kodak Moments...Freebies

Isn't she simply wonderful? One of my favorites.

Simple and easy camera to use. I have several of these. They came in different sizes.

They really knew how to market. At one point they had cameras for only a dollar.

This camera reminds me of a pinhole camera. Same type of results. I have seen several purses made out of these cameras.

Darling ad. I love how they have set everything up. I only wish my boys would sit that still.

This is a fun camera to have on display. It is very cute.

Two friends off to have an adventure. Love their hats!

This week my freebies are a bit late. With blogger doing their maintenance it has been hard to post. Again I am sorry for any comments that were lost and any I did not respond to. I decided this week to give you some camera freebies. I have been taking lots of pictures lately. Also, I stumbled across a couple of old cameras to add to my camera collection Friday night.

I have had a thing for old cameras for years. My third son and I would look for them whenever we were out antiquing, yard saling, or flea marketing. We would pick them up for a dollar or less. Through the years we have probably accumulated close to 50 or 60 of them. When we moved to the beach we started on old movie cameras.

The leap to ad's and paper ephemera was not far behind. Kodak was a genius in advertising. I love how they targeted women to sell their cameras. Very smart. These are just a small smorgasboard of ad's for you. All of them are 1922 and before. Enjoy!


  1. thanks for the images Elizabeth. My favorite is the two women with their cameras!!

  2. Thanks for sharing these Elizabeth :) and for your visit.

  3. Thank You, these are all wonderful. I am really fond of the first one, I love the color...Hugs, mary

  4. Wow! These are fabulous, Elizabeth! Thanks! BTW - One of my uncles was a photographer. It was always a treat to go to his studio, slip behind the black curtain into his darkroom and watch the magic happen as the photos appeared. Knowing that you're an avid camera collector makes me happy!!! The old cameras were truly special. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. these are wonderful Elizabeth!! Thank you so much!!!
    don't worry about "late"..any post of yours is well worth waiting for!
    i was one of the lucky few who didn't loose anything from blogger..probably because i didn't go to post until the problem started and i couldn't even get in to blogger! must have been the early and on-time bloggers that had the problem.
    the baby book add is my favorite! my son has 2 friends who have baby girls..what a cute front for an album for them!!

  6. Just discovered your site last night and have skimmed all the way back to the beginning looking for freebies for card making. I found some nice things I didn't have--thank you so much. I enjoyed seeing your art, especially where you have imposed collage elements over your own photography. Your recipes look delicious. I wish your blog had a search function to hunt them individually as needed.

  7. Thanks again for sharing with us. I just can't seem to get enough of the vintage pics. The last photo with the two women reminded me of two books I read last year about a woman photogapher in the early 1900's. FYI, "A Flickering Light" and An Absence So Great" both by Jane Kirkpatrick. A GREAT read as the story is based on a family member of Jane Kirkpatrick.

  8. Thanx for the cool Kodak I make a lot of foto albums and these would look great collaged into or on the front cover.


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