Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Cheese Grits

Thought I would share one of my Mother's recipes with you. But first a little history. On Sundays we eat our big meal during the day and a smaller meal at supper. For our family we do breakfast on Sunday nights. This is usually eggs, ham or bacon, pancakes or waffles, and that Southern favorite - cheese grits.

I know, I can hear you groaning. Grits? Really? Do you eat Polenta? Same thing. Try this recipe it is fantastic. Good with all breakfast fare, but super with shrimp. Shrimp and Grits may be my last meal if it ever comes down to that.

Cheese Grits

6 cups water

1 1/3 hominy grits

3 eggs

3/4 cup butter

16 ounces of cheddar cheese

2 teaspoons kosher salt

2 teaspoons hot pepper sauce [tabasco]

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees/175 degrees C

In a large pot bring water to a rolling boil. Add the grits, reduce the heat to low. Stir while the grits thicken. I use a whisk to keep the grits from getting lumpy.

When the grits are thick, stir in the eggs, then the butter and cheese, then the salt and pepper sauce. Stir till the butter and cheese have melted.

Pour mixture into a 9" by 13" greased baking dish. Bake for 45 minutes. Remove from oven. Cut into squares and serve.


  1. You're right - this is a fabulous dish! Thanks so much for posting this. Nxt time you make regular grits, substitute chicken broth for the water for a really different taste.

  2. thanks for sharing this!!! i remember my mom's family eating grits all the time! i never's time!! this looks delicious!!
    i remeber visiting with my relatives in the aunt used to cook tons of food on weekends in case anyone dropped by..god forbid there wasn't enough to feed an army!!!
    you just can't beat southern hospitality!!!

  3. Fabulous! My mouth began to water when I read all of the ingredients. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. Oooh, cheese grits!!! My dad was born in Hickory, North, I am a grits lovin' girl! I usually just put shredded cheese and butter over freshly made grits...but this recipe takes it a bit further...mmmm....I'm gonna have to try this!
    Thanks for sharing these goodies with us, Elizabeth! Reminds me of the Carolinas...where you CAN actually find grits on the breakfast opposed to here in California :-/


  5. I agree, shrimp and grits would make a wonderful last meal!
    Thank you for the recipes and wonderful free images you are always sharing with us!

  6. Thank you for the wonderful recipe. My heritage is Italian, so of course I grew up eating polenta - the ultimate Italian country fare. It is probably my most favorite food, with grits running a close second.


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