Thursday, June 30, 2011

Digital Collage - Embrace Imperfection

I found this building in Sweetwater Tennessee. A very interesting town. I used a free background from DJ Pettitt, added some other textures to it, and placed some text. Enlarged with a double click to get the full impact. Hope everyone has a great evening!


  1. this is fabulous!!!!
    and double-clicking..OMG!!!!
    this is just awesome!

  2. mmmmmm nice texture on this old bldg.....also looks like a funstudio in the last post too....everything a girl could imagine in there I suppose.

  3. Oh I love this, and I LOVE this building as well....always have!! You see, this is just about 15 miles from where I live, and we are there quite often!!! Sweetwater is the next little town just north of our town, and you're right, it's an interesting little town. Love what you've done with it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh I love this and I LOVE this little building too....always have!! You see, this is just about 15 miles from me and we are there quite often. Sweetwater is the next little town just north of us and you're right, it is an interesting little place! Thanks for sharing this, I LOVE it!!
    Gail :)

  5. Absolutely STUNNING. I love you work do you get the building to be so vivid and each brick to defined???

  6. BRAVO! I love old and grungy, and you've "done it" to perfection with this piece. Standing ovation from my corner!

  7. This has become my mantra lately!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Love what you've done with this, fantastic!!


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