Thursday, June 30, 2011

Journal Pages...Glue Book

I love blue and white. I bought these pots and pans when I graduated from college. They still look brand new and cook like crazy.

I collect old plates. I like to pick them up at thrift stores and flea markets for $1.00. They make great gifts when you load them up with homemade cookies or slices of homemade bread.

The house I am thinking of buying has cabinets like this and the granite is similar. My house at the beach has black granite - hard to keep clean, shows every grain of salt.

Love the lamp that looks like a dandelion. I want it! Also, the large bottle on the counter. I have a real thing for large bottles. I am wondering where that comes from. I like blue bottles, brown bottles, just as long as they are large. Is there a known name for this obsession?

I love the color of sand and blue combined. It is very peaceful and cool to me. Maybe all those years at the beach have imprinted on me. The older I get the more restful I need things to be.

There are so many things available to help you organize your life. It is almost impossible to forget or be late anymore. Alarms on cell phones, calendars of every kind and size, chalk board paint, the list goes on and on. It is sad in away. I want a life that does not have to be scheduled every moment. A moment to lay in the grass and find images in the clouds...

I am house hunting. I am ready to settle someplace and unpack after nine months of travel. I need a place to hang my hat. I have found several houses. I made a bid or two on one house [a foreclosure], but it has not worked out, yet. Till I find the house...

I have compiled a journal - glue book - of ideas and things that appeal to me. A sort of house journal. I took the larger size Moleskin Sketchbook. Tore out all the pictures in catalogs and magazines that appealed to me, and started gluing them in. I left room to write what I liked about them, what might work for me. Some of the pages had things like I own on them or like I want to display the things I own. I have several collections of "things".

When I find a home I can add paint samples, fabric samples and pictures of things I am looking for or need to the journal. This house hunting is hard. It is a start of a new journey...


  1. your" glue book " is such a great idea! It's so nice to see what makes part of you "you"!! an ideal way to keep a journal of what you have,want and love!!
    love the pots,blue and the big glass bottles!! love things that say...relax..stop and enjoy!! the color blue is so very restful..and it does say beach,ocean,water,cool,smell that wonderful air!!!

  2. Fab pages you show here....hope you soon find the house of your dreams...

  3. You are NOT alone in your cobalt blue fascination! And I LOVE this idea of keeping a visual journal for your new home. It will be interesting to see how many of these ideas you'll be implementing in your new home. Hugs, Terri xoxox

    PS My last kitchen was filled with cobalt blue glass, and I'm fascinated with old painted "rose" plates. Like minds!!!!


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