Thursday, July 7, 2011

One door opens...

I found this doorknob on the way to lunch yesterday in Cowpens, South Carolina. First let me say this is a very nice old southern town. I found the people to be so friendly and nice. I stopped to stretch my legs, get a bite to eat, and antique a bit. I found some beautiful antiques, stretched my legs, found some delicious homecooked southern food, and met a delightful mother - daughter team at lunch. We ended up knowing a mutual acquaintance, have deep southern roots, and passed an hour or so in wonderful conversation. [If you are reading this - Alice and Virginia I enjoyed our conversation and lunch immensely. I look forward to seeing you both again.] I left three great friends in Alabama it felt nice to make two new friends yesterday. You never know what a day will bring...


  1. Love this shot of this grungy old door. Strange how I love crackle and texture on my canvas but on makes me cringe when I think how many coats of paint they applied and never bothered to sand it down before adding the next coat..must come from growing up with an uncle who was a carpenter and seeing him removing LAYERS of old paint, etc. A piece of furniture can be crackled but not woodwork:)

  2. Wonderful photo! How many people pass by all the things you take photos of and never see the beauty in them. It takes a special eye and way of seeing.

  3. Love this doorknob.. looks great.. thanks.. sounds like you had a lovely day..

  4. Life is full of wonderful surprises at every turn! So happy to hear that you had a fabulous day. Be safe! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. What a great doorknob!! I like the color of the door too. How cool that you met a mother and daughter who share a mutual acquaintance with you and that your day went so nicely.BTW,I'm visiting your blog from the links section in the group Blissfully Art Journaling.

  6. Oh, how I wish I had known you would be in my backyard! I live in Spartanburg's eastside, just a stone's throw from Cowpens. Hope you caught a glimpse of the wonderful Revolutionary War murals all over town, celebrating the Battle of Cowpens. Thanks for the kind words about our little neck of the woods!

  7. About Alica and Virginia.Was Alice the mom and Virginia the daughter? I had a good friend, Vieginia, in Charlotte who moved away I lost track of her. Her mom's name was Alice.


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