Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Some Grungy Textures from Main Street for You....

A lovely bit of rust

A window sill

A lovely brick wall
A green door

More yummy rust

Here are a few textures from a walk around Main Street. I love the first rusty piece. The old paint goes so deep. I love a lotta paint. Some times I will run across a door or window that probably has ten layers of paint on it. My heart starts to sing. I hope you enjoy these textures as much as I do. Enjoy the day, for those of you in the middle and eastern part of the United States Stay Cool!


  1. Thank You- love these great textures!

  2. these are marvelous!!!!
    thanks so much!!!!

  3. These are spectacular, Elizabeth!!! Thank you!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo


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